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  • Mon-Fri: 7:00 - 17:00

Our Services

Demolition & Dismantling
Demolition & Dismantling

Al Nasr is a well reputed computed company with established and experienced machine operators, spanning over 18 years in Building Demolition.

As the core of our business, we pride ourselves on providing tailored services and options to our clients pacific wide. No matter the complexity, size, height or construction of a structure, we have the necessary resources and expertise to provide customized site solutions within our Client’s scope.

In house expertise utilizing a huge pool of experience and knowledge is crucial when developing work methods requiring minimal disruption to the immediate area, particularly when projects are located in residential, commercial, light industrial or live environments.

Heritage structures including facade retention pose unique challenges in their own right, and the ability to salvage and retrieve items of a historical or cultural value for our clients and the community is considered a corporate social responsibility.

All projects are carried out under full insurance cover and are fully compliant to the highest health, safety and environmental standards recognized within Dubai. We have the secure position into List of Demolition Contractors in Dubai.

Waste Recycling

We have years implemented a waste reduction and management policy for its sites.

Vast increases in waste materials lead to greater increases in disposal costs. Where it is possible, the company attempts to salvage a minimum of 90% of a demolished structure. This target has been achieved through the implementation of specialist plant and equipment (such as our rotational shears, timber machining & recycling facilities, onsite and offsite recycling plant) in conjunction with personnel commitment through specialist training and incentives to meet our targets.

Waste recovery services include:

  • Aggregate Washing
  • Tub Grinding
  • Screening
  • Demolition
  • Mobile Concrete Crushing
  • wood and Concrete Separation
Scrap Metal Recycling

With proper planning and expertise guidance we can extract a metal product from scrap, which can be a recyclable material.

In order to implement this step, we offer variety of metal recovery services such as

  • Cable Cutting and Stripping
  • Mobile Scrap Shears and Magnets
  • Transport
  • Metal Analyzing
  • Mobile Baling
  • Commercial Recycling Options
  • Mobile Shredding

Right from the beginning of the demolition process, we will start recovering the valuable metals for recycling and resale. Some of these include

  • Scrap Steel
  • Aluminium
  • Stainless Steel
  • Copper
  • Nickle
  • Brass
Asbestos Abatement

Asbestos is a naturally occurring minerals that are resistant to heat and corrosion.

Al Nasr Provide safe environment solution which are handled by specialist division by providing asbestos and other management. Demolition removal in Dubai, Removal of asbestos and other materials, any other biological contamination by using the guideline of Dubai Municipality and International standards. Al Nasr has well experienced qualified and customer focused work force, capability to design an asbestos management plan in line with the regulations.

The project site will be Completely Surveyed in different procedure to ensure the asbestos presence in either sheets, Roofing Sheet, Drainage pipes or in any other manner by Proper Survey of the Project. If the report indicates in favor of asbestos presence then the separate handling techniques will be made for Extraction and disposal of asbestos material. The complete technical staff and laborers who are interfering in the removal process will be fully covered with PPE (Personal Protection Equipment’s). The asbestos materials will be removed, packed in thousand-gauge polythene sheets into small packs and then dispose to Dubai municipality waste hazardous disposal area.

A Portable shower bathroom arrangement shall be made on site. Asbestos interfering Labor and staff in asbestos handling will be made to take a shower bath for every six hours duration at site.

All the required asbestos removal permits from Dubai Municipality shall be obtained and arranged by Al Nasr demolition. All the Associated and required deposit, Fees Etc. to obtain the Asbestos Permits shall be paid by Al Nasr Demolition.